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A DNA strand with a lightbulb at the top. OUBT Biohackathon 2021 winner. Evolvere Bioscience logo.

Evolvere Biosciences is a young company founded by Oxford students Piotr Jedryszek (Biology, St Johns), Adam Winnifrith (Biochemistry, Corpus Christi) and Weronika Slesak (Biology, Worcester). The three founded the company to develop a novel treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, one of humanity's biggest threats. Antibiotic resistance is predicted to become the third killer globally by 2050, with deaths already numbering 700,000 yearly worldwide and predicted to reach 10 million annually within 30 years.


Evolvere has a new way to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The company envisioned a method to outsmart the evolution of antibiotic resistance by administering a safe and predictable cocktail of biologic therapeutics. This platform could not only treat patients without running the risk of inducing further resistance but also enable a relatively quick generation of cocktails targeted at new strains.


As the 2021 OUBT Hackathon winner, Evolvere has won three months of lab space in the BioEscalator as well as a £1000 consumables budget.


In 10 years, Evolvere would like to have developed therapeutics for most of the WHO priority pathogens and optimised a platform to respond to any new dangerous bacterial strains rapidly. The team is making monthly updates for anyone who would like to follow their journey, for which you can sign up by emailing