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T-cell-receptor-based therapies are promising, curative treatments for otherwise untreatable advanced solid tumours. They consist of immune cells known as T-cells, derived from patients, that are genetically reprogrammed with cancer-targeting T-cell receptors (or TCRs), multiplied and reintroduced into patients to destroy cancer cells. Some cancer patients naturally produce cancer-targeting TCRs that can be leveraged to treat millions of other patients. Unfortunately finding these curative TCRs is a needle in a haystack problem and a major challenge using existing technologies in the lab.


Exogene's artificial intelligence platform rapidly screens billions of TCRs from patients in order to computationally identify and create TCRs that can target and destroy cancer cells. The AI learns from the billions of intersections between TCRs and cancer cells that Exogene analyses at their lab using a range of cutting-edge screening techniques. 


Federico Paoletti, Chief Executive Officer, and Andrea Mambrini, Chief Technical Officer, founded Exogene in November 2019. Federico is a computational biologist with deep expertise in mathematical modelling and molecular biophysics. He holds a PhD in Molecular and Computational Oncology from the University of Oxford and has previously worked at the World Health Organization assessing cancer prevention strategies. 

Andrea is an experienced machine learning scientist. He holds a PhD in Bio-Inspired Computation and has several years of experience building AI. He previously led the ML team at (acquired by Yougov) and has worked at the European Space Agency, Honda Research Institute and Vodafone.



We are truly excited by the opportunity to work at the BioEscalator alongside some of the most exciting and promising biotechnology companies in the world. We believe that joining the stimulating environment at the BioEscalator will help Exogene achieve its goals to discover highly effective cell therapies for solid tumours using machine learning.

Dr Federico Paoletti - CEO and Co-Founder


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