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Finding Funds for Innovation Flyer

Developing and launching a new product or service is rarely an easy and quick exercise. The journey normally involves many twists, turns and challenges – both technical and commercial. Funding is usually required to help address these challenges and could come from a variety of sources – but it can be a daunting exercise to understand and obtain.

Session 1: Wednesday 4th August 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. “Finding Funds for Innovation”

Session 1 will identify some of the main funding providers and their programmes, including a detailed look at one or two key schemes.


Session 2: Wednesday 11th August 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. “Winning Innovation Funding – Improving your Chances of Success”

In Session 2 we will consider key concepts that underpin all innovation projects and if addressed properly in your application - should significantly improve your chances of success.


You are welcome to attend either session – but ideally both!


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