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Industry Insight Seminar Series: Development of novel medicines using high-resolution native mass spectrometry of intact protein assemblies, with Omass Technologies.

Title of Talk

Development of novel medicines using high-resolution native mass spectrometry of intact protein assemblies


Dr Katharina Duerr - Group Leader, OMass.



OMass, an Oxford University spin-out backed by Syncona Ltd and Oxford Sciences Innovation, is harnessing high-resolution native mass spectrometry and other biophysical technologies to drive drug discovery in high definition for immunology and genetic disease. The company uses its suite of proprietary technologies based on high-resolution mass spectrometry to study intact protein assemblies. The technology enables the detection of drug leads, that not only bind to the target complex but also exert a functional effect through modulation of complex formation, with both effects, binding and function, being measured by a change in mass. These methods are being applied to drug discovery for a variety of complex targets, focusing on membrane receptors.


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