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The BioEscalator is hosting a BioTuesday event on Tuesday 14th of March 2023.

During the evening, speakers will address the following:

  • How successful storytelling remains a critical & untapped source of potential success for the majority of early-stage businesses
  • The importance of being clear on the long-term impact you hope your company/services/innovation will have on both your internal team and wider society – and, most importantly, patients
  • How to differentiate your company from the competition and the importance of case studies
  • The importance of letting people 'behind the curtain', and how to best communicate successes and challenges you've experienced
  • The consequential impact that getting it right (and wrong) can have on attracting and retaining employees and securing investment and external partners in the future
Full details, timings, and the current speaker line-up are available here.
Attendance is complimentary for OBN Members, Students & Research Scientists
Non-member tickets are available for £50+VAT

Register now