JoinHealth - Autumn welcome webinars: R&D data collection and sharing
Tuesday, 10 November 2020, 2.30pm to 3.40pm
Health Cluster Portugal, in partnership with EIT Health, have organised a cycle of webinars "JoinHealth - Autumn welcome webinars", which will take place during October and November. In this session, Ulrika Zagai from EIT Health and Lukasz Kozera from BBMRI will discuss the topic of R&D data collection and sharing.
Ulrika Zagai
Ulrika Zagai is managing the EIT Health driven project ‘Registries and Biobanks in Transition’ (RABBIT). EIT Health’s objective is to accelerate the use of biobanks and health data registries by developing new healthcare solutions and in this way help industry accelerating their R&D. Ulrika is also involved in another project, called Digital Sandbox where she facilitates collaborations with startups and biobanks & health data registries.
Ulrika is a trained biologist with a PhD in Lung Medicine and Immunology. Prior to joining EIT Health, she spent 11 years at Karolinska Institutet coordinating sample and data collections in both case-control studies and big cohort studies. She has also worked in the Swedish Twin Registry, the largest of its kind in the world, and as a lab manager in a research group focusing on microbiome and stomach cancer.
Łukasz Kozera.
Transitioning from the Polish Biobank Node, Łukasz is now Scientific Programme Manager for our involvement in the CY-Biobank project.