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Join Professor Chas Bountra, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation and an expert panel as they discuss how universities can work together within their wider networks to accelerate innovation, support industry, realise national synergies and address global challenges.

This image is advertising the Innovation Conversations Online Panel Discussion titled, How do universities deliver economic value?, being chaired by Professor Chas Bountra Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation, University of Oxford, on 7th October 2020 from 1:00pm - 2:00pm.

Chaired by Professor Chas Bountra, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation



  • Wendy Becker (Chairperson Logitech International S.A.)
  • Sam Gyimah (Board Director, Oxford University Innovation and former Minister for Universities, Science, Sustainability and Innovation)
  • Professor Trevor McMillan (Vice-Chancellor, Keele University and KE Champion, Research England)


Watch the discussion at: